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Trapped on the Wheel:

Autographed Hardcover, with gold ribbon
Alessandra is willing to risk everything to ride the largest bicycle wheel in the world - the original Ferris Wheel. Lured by the temptations of the World's Fair, she rebels against her Victorian father, whose life-long vision is for her to become his Lady of the Manor. However, Alessandra vows to resist. After her eighteenth birthday ball, she begins her painful odyssey to escape the trap awaiting most women - a dominating parent, an arranged marriage, and society's false promises. Although set over a century ago, Trapped on the Wheel depicts similar battles Chicago faces today: scandal, financial depression, and racism challenged by the people's belief in change and hope for a better life.
Price: $24.95 Quantity:

Autographed Paperback
"A great American writer has been born. I couldn't put it down. Glavin has accomplished a perfect example of what we authors call 'faction,' a skillful blending of fiction with actual fact. He not only brings the Columbian Exposition to life with its stark, real prose, he has skillfully balanced the ingredients of fiction with impeccable research that not only transports the reader to the actual locale of the story, but brings the characters to life. He leaves the reader with the warm feeling that he has personally witnessed what happened." -Jack Coombe, Historian and Novelist
Price: $14.95 Quantity: