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ABOIT.Org - Obama Identity Truth
President Obama Identity Truth Association educates law makers on Capitol Hill and law enforcement about the need for a full investigation of Mr. Obama's past and identity documentation. Donations help pay the expenses of lobbying efforts.
Price: $1.00 Quantity:

AJKAT.Org John Kennedy Assassination Truth
Donation for expenses of the Association for John Kennedy Assassination Truth including office rent, lobbying materials and expenses to help get a New Investigation of the events of November 22, 1962 with the power to prosecute the perpetrators. Please enter the number of US dollars you can donate. Thank you
Price: $1.00 Quantity:

ANETA.Org Association for Nine Eleven Truth
Donation for expenses of the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness including office rent, lobbying materials and expenses to help get a New Investigation of the events of September 11, 2001 with the power to prosecute the perpetrators. Please enter the number of US dollars you can donate. Thank you
Price: $1.00 Quantity:

Association for Digital Currency
Association for Digital Currency on 1629 K Street in Washington DC, promotes and protects digital currency owners and their interests on Capitol Hill, by educating Congressmen, Senators, and their staff on the benefits of Bitcoins and other alternative currency. Donations help pay the expenses of lobbying efforts.
Price: $1.00 Quantity:

Independent WTC Dust study organized by MarkBasile
Donation for new "blind" study of World Trade Center area dust, at an independent laboratory which will be competent to identify substances, yet will not know the dust is from the WTC, to ensure unquestionable objectivity. Please enter the number of US dollars you can donate. Thank you
Price: $1.00 Quantity:

William Martinez Freedom
William Martinez was one of the few Deputies in the El Salvador Assembly who voted against sending their troops to help the USA in its "wars on terror". Then he was falsely accused on drug charges by the US DEA (not El Salvador), kidnapped, and flown to Washington DC jail. He was cut off from his funds and communication, making it impossible to hire an attorney. This fund is to hire an attorney to get him free.
Price: $1.00 Quantity: